Returns and complaints
We give you 14 days of return from the date of purchase.
It is enough to fill in the form below in electronic form
Return form (click link).
Returns should be sent to the following address:
SEBX Szmigielski
ul. Dragons 4/42
00-467 Warsaw
phone number: 789 393 240
You can also deliver them in person HERE to our store in Warsaw.
We will transfer the money to the account provided in the form or via 'Przelewy24', depending on the form of payment.
More information can be found in the regulations of the shop here in points 8 and 9.
Returns will be accepted under certain conditions:
- No damage or traces of use of the Product.
- Return of the Product complete with all elements included in the order.
- Returning the Product in the original manufacturer's packaging at the expense of the sender